Home / Projects / Supermarket Hamburg

Work more efficiently through shopping trolley security

The challenge

Supermarket Hamburg (Germany)

We had a serious problem because we lost a lot of shopping trolleys. In addition, every week we spent many hours looking for our lost shopping trolleys. All this cost us a lot of money.

Rocateq Cart Security offered the solution to our problem. The shopping trolleys cannot leave the parking lot anymore and we save a lot of money year after year.


Shopping cart security and how it works

After we approached Rocateq to find a solution for our shopping trolley loss, they came up with a solution that suited our shop well. Few adjustments were required and the installation could fortunately be carried out quickly by their own team of technicians.


The Rocateq wheels were mounted on our shopping trolleys within a day. Even though we have a special shopping trolley, this was no problem for Rocateq.


In the shop, the Rocateq transmitter was installed and the technicians set the place from which the shopping trolleys had to be blocked. Outside the shop around our car park, the locking cable was installed.


We, as employees, were well informed about the operation of the system and what to do in the event of an unexpected failure. My customers are informed by means of warning signs and a marking line.

Get our whitepaper

Many may not even know they have a shopping cart theft problem because most Loss Prevention executives never see financial loss information regarding shopping trolleys. Find out what the real impact of shopping cart loss is and how it affects your sales.

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“More efficient employability of my employees”

We always pay close attention to the hours of the employees, of course we want as few unproductive hours as possible. Because of the Rocateq shopping cart security system, the hours that my employees previously spent searching for shopping trolleys are in any case put to good use. I was most surprised when I noticed that after 2 months I still didn’t have to buy any more shopping trolleys.


Every 12 seconds a shopping trolley disappears worldwide.


Average value of theft with a shopping trolley.

Want to know more about our cart security system?

You don’t want to lose your shopping trolleys all the time, but do you want to know exactly how our system works? We will be happy to tell you more about this over a phone call with you.

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Supermarket Santiago, Chile

We lost 30 shopping trolleys every month

Since our shopping trolleys are equipped with the Rocateq wheel, we only lost 3 shopping trolleys. For us this makes a huge difference!

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