Home / Basket security

Shopping basket theft is history

The Rocateq tag for the basket is designed to secure your shopping baskets from leaving the shop. Your customer can take the shopping basket to every part of the shop, except going outside.

Rocateq protects your shopping baskets

Customers leaving the shop with a basket and not returning it is a common thing. Although it is not as obvious as the loss of shopping trolleys, the cost of this has an impact on your profits. With our solution these costs will not occur anymore and your shopping baskets stay inside the shop!

Clever Cart Control

Let your baskets alert you when they leave your shop

Watch the video to discover our Basket Security solution.

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Smart tags

Your shopping baskets stay in your shop

The Rocateq tag is attached to the basket on a place that is hardly visible for the customer. Whenever your customer is trying to leave the shop with a shopping basket and passing our wireless signal, the tag will sound. As the tag itself will sound your customer is able to leave the shop and can take the basket with him.

And there it is, the tag itself is sounding. So your customer can leave your shop but the alarm keeps sounding, even if your customer leaves your premises. This makes it very unpleasant for your customer to take away your shopping basket.

The Rocateq tag is small and compact

It can be attached to all kind of shopping baskets.

Eco friendly

With your investment in Rocateq solutions it is visible that you have the best intentions for the surrounding area in which your shop is located. Thanks to Rocateq your trolleys are not causing pollution, damage and nuisance.


Rocateq is the only manufacturer with BS, CE, FCC, UL, NEN and BRE certifications. This assures you of a constant high quality of our products.

Social responsible

In the manufacturing of our products we respect the UN conventions on child labor. We provide healthy working conditions and we produce with respect for nature and the environment of our employees.

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Does your shop need our solution? Let us know and we will be happy to make you an offer.

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Technical information

How does the tag work

HF & SUHF frequency

Different levels of frequency can be used for RFID technology. Our tag works on HF & SUHF frequency which means that you can make contact with the tags from a relatively big distance. This creates a reliable tag because it is impossible to pass the exit without activating the signal.

Active tag

Our transceiver will activate the signal of the active RFID tag. The active tag has the advantage that it has a wider range and if necessary required data can be exchanged.

Invisible tag

Our tag is small and compact which makes it almost invisible for your customer. It does not use up space in the shopping basket that should be used for groceries. Also the tag is attached easily and fits on many different shopping baskets.

Request a quote

Does your shop need our solution? Let us know and we will be happy to make you an offer.

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Want to test our smart tags?

Are you losing your shopping baskets and you want to get rid of that problem and loss? Let us know and we will show you how easily this can be avoided by using our smart RFID tags.

  • Innovative basket security
  • Quick installation

“Theft of merchandise and baskets is no longer possible. Nobody wants to be seen outside the shop with a beeping basket.”
– Adam Cooper, Rocateq


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Supermarket Chicago, USA

Shoplifting becomes impossible

Like any supermarket, we had to deal with theft of merchandise. Only it was never clear to us how the goods disappeared from the shop.

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