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Lots of theft of full shopping trolleys

The challenge

Supermarket Minnesota(United States)

Every country has its own supermarket culture. While supermarkets in Europe are often fully enclosed with gates and fences, shops in the United States have entrances and exits as wide as 15 metres. “That gives a very open character,” says the owner of a large supermarket in Minnesota, “but it also brings its own challenges. For example, people with malicious intentions can more easily disappear outside with a trolley full of groceries. When we installed our new camera system, we were shocked by the amount of products stolen. The thieves are people from all walks of life and also people we have counted among our regular customers for years. When we saw which products were disappearing weekly and monthly, we knew something had to be done.”


Customers shop unhindered

“By chance, I came into contact with Rocateq through a trade fair,” continues the owner. “The Rocateq Check Out Security System turned out to be the perfect solution against shoplifting. Because each trolley must have passed the checkout before it can go out, thieves no longer have the opportunity to walk out with a full trolley. The moment the trolley goes outside and has not passed manned or unmanned checkouts, the Rocateq wheel brakes and an alarm goes off. So you have a guarantee that no thieves will walk out with a full trolley. That way you have a guarantee that no one will run off with the loot.”


The Rocateq Check Out security system is completely wireless. All transmitters required for this system work wirelessly. This means that this security system can be installed quickly and easily in any supermarket.


The Rocateq Check Out security system is completely wireless. All transmitters required for this system work wirelessly. This means that this security system can be installed quickly and easily in any supermarket.


The Rocateq Check Out security system is completely wireless. All transmitters required for this system work wirelessly. This means that this security system can be installed quickly and easily in any supermarket.


Almost no more theft attempts and threat is gone

“A lot has changed at the supermarket since the Rocateq solution was installed. And only positive,’” says the owner. “The system works perfectly. Especially in the first period, we heard the alarm very often. At such a moment, you see terror and embarrassment in the thief, who immediately runs outside and leaves the shopping trolley. What we didn’t expect beforehand is that the system also has a deterrent effect. After the alarm went off a few times, a feeling seemed to run through the community that stealing from us is not possible and therefore an attempt is pointless. Now we very rarely have to deal with attempted theft and this is very pleasing to the overall atmosphere in the shop. Customers with bad intentions stay away and our staff no longer face the unpleasant threat of a confrontation with a shoplifter. And, not insignificantly, we hardly lose any products to theft anymore.”

Supermarket Santiago, Chile

We lost 30 shopping carts every month

Now that we have Cart Security in our supermarket, we hardly lose any carts. In 6 months we only lost 7 shopping carts!

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Are you ready to improve the security of your shop?

Find out how the Rocateq Check Out Security System stops shoplifting and protects your shop.

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