Is your shop a shoplifters dream?

Find out now by filling out the checklist on the right. More than 2 yeses? Your store is at big risk! Outsmart shoplifters with Rocateqs Check Out Security. Contact us today.

  • 70% of shoplifting is not planned in advance
  • Nearly $50 billion in retail crime annually
  • One-third of shoppers steal while using the self-checkouts

“No theft of merchandise with our Check Out Security.”
– J. Bert Plomp, Rocateq

Facts that compel you to act

0 $

Average dollar loss per shoplifting incident (source NRF)


Is the value of the merchandise stolen every day.

Is your shop a shoplifters dream?

Curious exactly how much you are losing from shoplifters? Calculate your savings here.

  • Approximately 1 out of 11 people is a shoplifter
  • Supermarkets are prime targets
  • Shoplifters are caught once out of every 48 times they steal